
The relationship between Depression and college academic performance

Depression and college academic performance
Depression and college academic performance

The number of people who suffer from depression has been steadily on the rise. It is estimated that approximately 15 million Americans suffer from depression at some point during their lives, and around the globe a very huge number of students is suffering from depression because of their academic performance. In this article we will briefly discuss about depression and the relationship between depression and college academic performance

Depression and college academic performance
Depression and college academic performance

The relationship between depression and college academic performance

There are different reasons that lead to depression due to poor academic performance. Some of these reasons include not getting enough attention from the teachers, not getting enough support from friends and family, having poor grades from school or in class and not having proper exercise habits.

A recent study by The University of Texas College of Medicine shows that the relationship between depression and College academic performance is much more complicated than was previously thought.

This means that the relationship between depression and academic performance is not solely a case of being depressed, but also having a poor educational background.

The study found that depressive symptoms and academic performance were not directly linked, but that depression was a predictor of poor performance in many cases, especially in subjects that have to do with social behavior.

This means that being depressed may not directly affect how well you do in school, but it can affect your ability to do well at school.

The study also found that the correlation between depression and academic performance was far more complicated than it first appeared. It did find that the more severe depressive symptoms were correlated with lower academic performance, but that the correlation between depression and performance was not just a linear relationship.

The more severe depression symptoms, like major depression, had a significant adverse effect on academic performance.

It is also important to note that there is often a correlation between Depression and college academic performance, such as the low-income family environment or having trouble with peers. So it is possible that having a depressed family background can cause depression, which then causes problems with your schooling.

Types of Depression:

The four main types of depression are

  • Generalized depression,
  • Persistent depression,
  • Bipolar disease,
  • Seasonal affective disorder (SAD).
  1. Generalized depression is often characterized by a depressed mood that lasts for more than six months.
  2. Persistent depression is similar to major depression and is characterized by recurrent episodes of sadness without any obvious reasons.
  3. Bipolar disease is diagnosed when the patient has a pattern of alternating mania and depression over time. SAD, on the other hand, is defined by the inability to function normally or is unable to concentrate this depression is common in humans and dogs and many pet owner worried about their dogs health.
  4. The most severe form of depression is a bipolar disease, and those who have this kind of condition must be treated in a special way to help them overcome the illness. However, some medications may also help, such as antidepressants, lithium, or electroconvulsive therapy.

Some Main causes of depression:

One of the main causes of depression is a chemical imbalance. When your body produces too much serotonin or norepinephrine, for example, you may feel depressed.

Other causes of depression include chemical imbalances within your brain, such as changes to how your brain processes chemical information. The third major cause of depression, anxiety, can also be caused by a lack of serotonin. When you have too many chemicals and neurotransmitters in your brain, you tend to have anxiety and mood swings.

And finally, if you are going through a traumatic experience, your emotions can be affected by your experiences like fail in love, loss of dear ones or depression due to college academic performance.

Natural Ways to prevent yourself from depression:

Now that you know the three major causes of depression, you have to decide which one is the right treatment for you. For instance, when you have severe cases of depression, you will probably want to see a psychologist. If your levels are not that extreme yet, however, you may want to try some natural remedies like exercise, sleep, and meditation. If you just need a little bit of relief from anxiety and mood fluctuations, you can go ahead and try out natural solutions for your own health and comfort.

#1. Exercise:

Many people who suffer from depression are advised to take up physical activity for the benefit of their mental health. This is true for all types of mental health.

Exercise will help to boost your mental health and make you feel much better. However, there are some specific reasons that exercise is the best way to treat depression. For example, it helps to reduce feelings of fatigue, which can cause people to become depressed.

As you exercise, you will feel better. You will also develop greater stamina, and your body will become healthier in general. These are all good reasons why you should consider making exercise part of your routine.

When you exercise regularly, you are likely to be able to exercise whenever you need to. If you are suffering from depression, finding a good exercise routine is something you should try to do.

#2. Proper Sleep:

The role of proper sleep to prevent depression is becoming very obvious. When we do not have enough sleep, we tend to become moody and irritable. It is not good for our health and also not good for the body.

A person who sleeps less than six hours a day is said to be suffering from depression, and many people actually have a problem sleeping at night because they think they are depressed. Sleep is very important for all the systems in your body to function properly. In order to prevent depression, you need to have an adequate sleep.

You can then try to find ways to avoid doing this particular thing that will stop you from getting depressed.

If you are suffering from depression, you need to go for sleep as soon as possible so you will wake up feeling much more positive and ready to face the day ahead. This way, you can prevent yourself from going back into the downward spiral of depression.

#3. Proper Treatment:

The role of proper treatment to prevent depression is to provide appropriate therapeutic support to the patient. This therapy may include therapeutic hypnosis, social skills training, and/or medication that will help in overcoming any emotional problems that lead to depression.

Some of these disorders are usually difficult to deal with, as they result in deep emotional pain and suffering. In order to make this situation a bit easier, the therapist will teach the patients self-help techniques that will help them to overcome the feelings of depression.

The role of proper treatment to prevent depression is to help people overcome their problems. It is also very important to find a correct diagnosis of the disease. In this way, the depression will be treated properly. Depression is not limited to one gender only.

It can affect both men and women. The best thing about depression is that it can be cured if it is properly handled. There are so many resources available on the internet that will help you find out more about proper treatment to prevent depression.

#4. Build Strong relations:

Relationships, in general, are the best platform for understanding the true role of strong relationships to prevent depression in people suffering from depression. The relationships between the people suffering from depression and his or her family or close friends also play a crucial role in the prevention of depression.

It is often seen that people suffering from depression are not able to maintain their relationship with their near and dear ones because they do not trust them.

When we talk about trust, it means the ability of a person to be open and honest with the people around them. The person should have the ability to give out his feelings freely and openly without any doubt. This is very important, especially to a person who suffers from depression. When a person with depression feels like giving out his emotions, it is because he or she does not know who he or she can trust. Therefore, communication plays a very important role in improving and maintaining the relationship between a person suffering from depression and his or her close ones.

#5. Avoid drugs and alcohol:

Alcohol and drugs are proven stimulants of depression, which is why people who suffer from depression should avoid drugs and alcohol for the treatment of depression.

Alcoholism is another common reason why people become depressed because it increases the brain chemicals dopamine and serotonin while depleting neurotransmitters (neurotransmitters that help with nerve transmission) in the brain.

Drugs can also cause mood swings, irritability, and hyperactivity, and they may even be addictive in nature. The most widely used drug, alcohol, tends to be the most powerful antidepressant. While the body adjusts to the withdrawal symptoms of drug withdrawal, it tends to increase the production of neurotransmitters again when the person stops taking the drug.


Depression due to college academic performance is a very common problem.

There are different reasons that lead to depression due to poor academic performance. Some of these reasons include not getting enough attention from the teachers, not getting enough support from friends and family, having poor grades from school or in class and not having proper exercise habits.

These reasons can be overcome by taking better care of yourself. If you feel depressed due to your poor grades, then you should try and get some kind of encouragement.

You can visit your friends or family and express your opinion regarding your performance in the exams that you have taken. This will be a very good motivation to improve your grades. There are many books available that will tell you how to improve your grades.

One of the other major problems that lead to depression due to poor grades is not getting proper sleep. You will have to change your sleeping habits if you want to overcome this problem.

You should try to get proper rest and also sleep as this will help you in getting enough energy throughout the day. Getting enough, Exercise, sleep, proper treatment and to avoid drugs and alcohol  will also help you in solving problems that are related to your depression because you will feel refreshed and will also be able to overcome any problem that is facing you due to your poor grades

About the author

Brian Altman

Brian Altman is with us for the last 10 years and manages technology-related newsletters, blogs, reviews, and weekly opinion articles. He is a passionate writer and is the chief of content & editorial strategies. He writes articles on artificial intelligence, Blogging, SEO, Technology, and cryptocurrency. Brian Altman is a professional writer from the last 8 years in this industry and, in leisure time, he likes to be connected with people via social media platforms. If you may wish to contribute a post though contact here: